First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Dog's Name
Dog's Breed(s) if known
Male or Female
Dog's weight
Dog's Age
Goals of training
Other household members
Is your dog allowed on the furniture? If so, when?
Is your dog spayed or neutered?
Do you use a crate for your dog? If so, when and how does the dog react?
How long is your dog home alone doing the day? How does the dog act when you leave?
What kind of collar or walking device do you use for your dog?
Do you let your dog meet other dogs on walks? How does it go?
Does your dog react to people, dogs, kids, bicycles, or any other stimulus on walks?
Please list the other dogs in your home. Are there behavior concerns with the other dogs?
Is your dog scared or fearful of noise, objects, people etc?
Is your dog sensitive for being handled? If so please describe.
Is your dog possessive (growling, nipping, biting) of toys, food, objects, people, or other resources? If so describe when and to whom (dog or person).
Has your dog growled at a person? If so please describe.
Has your dog bitten a person? If so please describe the incident and damage caused, if any.
Has your dog bitten or fought with another animal? If so please describe
Does your dog have any obsessive behaviors such as tail chasing, licking, grooming, barking? If yes please describe.
What are your dog's best qualities?